September 8-11, 2025
Bush Convention Center - Midland, TX
This September, oil & gas professionals from all over the world will gather in Midland, Texas for four days of continuing education, technical sessions, panels, and more. Join us as we share new insights and emerging trends, explore best practices, and discuss the latest advancements in sucker rod pumping technology and optimization. You'll discover new and leading products and services in the nearby exhibitor hall, and enjoy ample opportunities to network with individuals from diverse professional backgrounds.
Call for Abstracts
Presentations by operators and innovators are key elements of a successful workshop. If you have improved or optimized production, reduced operating costs or failures, overcome challenges, or discovered new and innovative techniques or products related to gas lift, we invite you to submit an abstract for consideration as a technical presentation at the upcoming Gas Lift Workshop. Contributing knowledge and experience is a valuable and critical opportunity to do your part to ‘give back’ and help ensure generations of ongoing success with gas lift as a form of artificial lift.
Abstracts requirements and conditions
- Abstracts must be a minimum of two hundred fifty words with a maximum of five hundred words.
- Topic must be gas lift related or relevant to the artificial lift industry.
- Abstract deemed to be commercial only, will be rejected.
- Abstracts about research, lab testing, manufacturing processes, and field trials are acceptable.
- All abstract content accepted will be public and available for access on ALRDC’s website.
- Presentations will be grouped by topics for review by the gas lift workshop committee.
- The use of company names and logos is prohibited in the title.
- The abstract shall be professional in nature and refrain from social or political statements.
Abstract submissions should contain the following
- Objective / Scope
- Methods,
- Procedures
- Processes
- Results
- Observations
- Conclusions
- Authors names and contact details
Abstract submission will close June 6, 2025
Technical Sessions
August 30th & 31st
Wednesday, August 30
8:00 – 8:15
Opening Remarks
Event Chairperson Joseph A. Norman, FluidLevels.com
Session 1: Downhole Modeling Studies
8:15 – 8:45
Horizontal Well Deviated Downhole Data Acquisition Project Update
Dr. Victoria Pons, WellWorx Energy
Lynn Rowlan, Echometer
Dr. Tony Podio,
Michael Romer, ExxonMobil
Robert Valadez, Marathon
Walter Phillips, Wansco
Wyatt Tubb, ETA
Clarence Foytik, MicroSmart
8:45 – 9:15
Optimizing Rod Pump Performance Using High Frequency, High Resolution Pressure Data At The Wellhead
Tokunosuke Ito, TOKU Systems
9:15 – 9:45
Automated Viscous Damping Correction and Optimal Inferred Production Calculation
Dr. Victoria Pons, WellWorx Energy
Jeremy Gomes, WellWorx Energy
9:45 – 10:15
Morning Break
Session 2: Dynamometer Card
10:15 – 10:45
Sensorless Downhole Pump Card Approximation
Simon Jagers, Samotics
10:45 – 11:15
A New Method of Pump Stroke Position Measurement
Walter Phillips, Wansco
11:15 – 11:45
Using A Hydraulic Sheave Lock Versus Traditional Methods to Safely Lock Out A Beam Pumping Unit
Kurt Richard, ATABEC Safety Lock Corp.
11:45 – 12:15
Lunch Break
12:00 – 1:00
Doug Hebert, Liberty Lift Solutions
YouTube LiveStream
Linkedin Stream
Session 3: Rod Tubing Pumping Unit Technologies
1:00 – 1:30
Avoiding Environmental and Financial Impact of Stuffing Box Leakage
Dr. Victoria Pons, Pons Energy Analytics
Rob Harrison, Well Site Guard Ltd.
Elaine Lang, Well Site Guard Ltd.
1:30 – 2:00
Wireless Sensor Technology to Monitor Rod Rotator Performance
Terry Treiberg, ChampionX
Brandon Furr, ChampionX
2:00 – 2:30
Sucker Rod Connections Reliability Improvement Via Diagnostics of Power Tongs
Andres Alam, Tenaris RODS
Liliana Valdebenito, Tenaris RODS
Esteban Oliva, Tenaris RODS
2:30 – 3:00
Afternoon Break
Session 4: Automation Controllers
3:00 – 3:30
The Ken Well Manager: An Adaptive Controller for Dynamic Deviated Wells
Dallas Barrett, WellWorx Energy Solutions
Russell Messer, WellWorx Energy Solutions
3:30 – 4:00
Advanced Variable Frequency Drive Control: Optimizing Against Incomplete Fillage
Tim Hinojosa, Occidental Petroleum
Biplav Chapagain, Occidental Petroleum
4:00 – 4:30
A Discussion of Rod Lift VSD Control Parameters, Setup, and Configuration for Most Efficient Operation Under Varying Operating Conditions
Peter Westerkamp, Lufkin Industries
Thursday, August 31
Session 1: Rod Tubing Pumping Unit Technologies
8:00 – 8:30
Convert to Rod Lift Sooner – Long Stroke Pumping Units
Spencer Evans, Liberty Lift Solutions
Joe Calhoun, Liberty Lift Solutions
8:30 – 9:00
Case Study Comparing Wall Loss Measurements Due to Sucker Rod Wear, Erosion and Corrosion on Boronized Versus Untreated OCTG Production Tubing in a Rod Pumped Oil Well
Craig Zimmerman, Bluewater Thermal Solutions
9:00 – 9:30
Boron-Carbide Treated Couplings Improve Rod Lift Efficiency in South Texas Wells
Bo Brooks, Chesapeake
9:30 – 10:00
Morning Break
Session 2: Separators BHAs
10:00 – 10:30
Innovative Design of a Packerless Gas Separator Design in ESP to Rod Pump Conversion
Luis Guanacas, OSI
Gustavo Gonzalez, OSI
11:00 – 11:30
Testing Hydraulic Tubing Anchors
Ryan Blair, Black Gold Pump
Bob Smithwa, Black Gold Pump
11:30 – 12:00
Lunch Break
12:00 – 1:00
YouTube Stream
Linkedin Stream
Session 3: Dynamometer Card Modeling
1:00 – 1:30
A Closed Loop System To Improve Performance of Artificially Lifted Wells On Pump
Bob Berland, Energy Solutions Generator, LLC
1:30 – 2:00
Increasing Production by Using a Two Stage Filtration System: Case Studies in South Texas
Travis Wadman
Shivani Vyas, OSI
2:00 – 2:30
Sucker Rod Modeling in 4-D
Jim Robinson, Kepler Software Engineering, Ltd
Tom Mills
2:30 – 3:00
Afternoon Break
Session 4: Automation Controllers
3:00 – 3:30
Autonomous VSD Setpoint Optimization for Sucker Rod Artificially Lifted Oil and Gas Wells
Ian Nickell, ChampionX
3:30 – 4:00
Technical & Operational Challenges in Developing Unconventional Tight Oil ABH Field, India
Nakul Varma
Manish Kumar
4:00 – 4:30
Cloud Based Real-Time Monitoring of Tight Oil Field by Applications of Edge Gateway Device, Automatic Fluid Level Analyzer and Analytical Dashboards
Ravi Chandak, Cairn Oil and Gas, Ledanta Ltd
Nakul Varma
Kumar Manish Janardan Yadav
Sujit Jadhav
Closing Remarks
Wednesday, August 30th | 12:15 PM
The ALRDC proudly presents our keynote speaker for the 2023 Rod Pump Workshop in Midland, Texas, Doug Hebert, a prominent figure in the oilfield industry.
With a passion for pump designs and metallurgies, Doug’s career spans over 50 years, making him a true veteran in the field. From his humble beginnings in a pump shop in Natchez, Mississippi, while still in high school, to owning and operating his own pump design and repair facility, Doug’s hands-on experience has been instrumental in shaping his expertise.
Notably, he served as the European ALS Manager for a major manufacturer, where he not only honed his skills but also shared his knowledge through teaching classes on diagnosing pump failures and optimizing pump system design. Doug’s contributions extend beyond his practical experience, as he has presented technical papers at esteemed industry events and holds four patents for improved ALS pump designs and accessories.
With a unique perspective on the evolution of pump technologies, Doug’s firsthand observations provide invaluable insights into the advancements that have revolutionized the industry. Join us as we explore Doug Hebert’s remarkable journey and tap into his wealth of wisdom and expertise in the world of oilfield technology.
Continuing Education
This year's Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop offers a variety of one and two day courses that oil and gas operators and producers with every level of experience are sure to find valuable.
Failure Management through Effective Chemical Applications
Monday, August 28th | $400
Oilfield products are highly corrosive, and many rod pumping failures due to corrosion cause significant productivity and profitability loss. Effective application of chemicals helps to mitigate and manage corrosion, which results in reduced failure rates, increased uptime and ultimately improved profitability. In this highly practical course taught by a seasoned instructor, the trainees will learn the problem solving process to failure analyses from gathering the evidence, field investigation, analysis and evidence validation to report.
Course Outline
- Overview of Common Failure Causes
- Conducting an Effective Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Understanding Corrosion
- Importance of Metallurgy
- Factors Affecting Corrosion
- Identifying Corrosion Types
- Corrosive Agents
- Prevention of Failures
- Importance of Monitoring Effectiveness of Options
- Chemical Reporting
Course Instructor
Becky Ogden is a consultant with Martin Water Labs in Midland, TX. In an oil and gas career spanning over 40 years, Becky has worked with Champion Chemicals, Marathon Oil, and Multi-Chem in various functions ranging from manufacturing, quality control, lab-analysis, non-destructive testing, fabrication, internal/external coating systems, application and monitoring of production chemicals, and technical training. She has presented multiple technical papers in SWPSC and ALRDC and has co-authored a patent and is a certified Process Hazards Analysis Leader in the HAZOP and What-If formats. SWPSC awarded her the Duane A Crawford award in 2019 for long and outstanding service.
She has taught technical schools addressing corrosion, chemical program optimization, water chemistry, analytical testing, chemical selection, and chemical program monitoring. Becky has a long history with the SWPSC, a NACE member (now known as AMPP) since 1983 and has served on several technical committees/task groups and the Permian Basin Chapter. Becky holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Angelo State University.
Rod Pumping Fundamentals and Dynamometer Analysis
Monday, August 28th | $400
This comprehensive course offers real-world training by industry experts for optimization, design and best practices. The training course will provide all attendees with an all-encompassing understanding of the rod pumped system to allow for improvements in optimization techniques to achieve additional production, runtimes, and minimized failures.
Course Outline
- Pumping Unit
- Rods
- Pump
- Dynagraph Interpretation
- Automation
- Design
Course Instructors
Matt Raglin began working for Diagnostic Services (DSI) in 1985, traveling and analyzing rod pump wells first in the United States and later globally until it was purchased by Halliburton. In 1989, Raglin formed his first company, Reservoir Evaluation Services, which continued his work in the rod pump system analysis field. RES was sold to Wood Group in 1995.
From 1995 to 2001, Raglin was an independent consultant for rod pump analysis and design and he worked with many of the largest producers in the industry, including Shell, BP, Exxon, Occidental and Chevron. In 2001, Raglin began working for Lufkin Automation as the General Manager of Permian Operations. It was here he began a close working relationship with Dr. Sam Gibbs and Ken Nolen and was instrumental in helping design and introduced the industry to the SAM Controller, which is now used worldwide.
Raglin left Lufkin and formed Spirit Global Energy Solutions in 2008. Headquartered in Midland, the primary focus of Spirit Global was analyzing wells with portable dynograph and fluid level equipment. The company also provided remote analysis utilizing a SCADA host. Wanting to provide additional solutions to the industry, Raglin invented several patented downhole tools to mitigate gas and sand issues and a laser positioning device. Spirit Global also released the Genesis Controller, which is now known as the ChampionX Smarten Controller, under Raglin’s guidance. Spirit Global had offices in every producing basin in the United States as well as regional operations in Canada. The company was purchased by Dover Artificial Lift in 2013 and now operates as ChampionX.
Raglin formed WellWorx Energy in 2018 with a mission to offer in-person trainings and webinars focusing on rod pump principles and best practices as well as dynagraph interpretation. These education-based solutions were taken a step further and he began to design and patent the ToolWorx product line of downhole tools. Raglin currently holds 14 patents and his designs are focused on gas and sand mitigation efforts. The product line includes the Super Max System, the Helix Sand ByPass, the Halo, the Dominator and the ESP Gas ByPass with additional products planned for the future.
Seeing additional needs within the industry, Raglin purchased GreenShot LLC from Dr. Sam Gibbs and Ken Nolen. GreenShot is patented as the first fully permanent and automated fluid level system. It is also the only true ‘green’ system in existence, functioning without high-pressure nitrogen or C02 and instead utilizing the well’s naturaly-producing casing gas.
In the last 25 years, Raglin has taught hundreds of Rod Pump classes across the world. Throughout his career, Raglin has published more than a dozen technical papers and is partnered with multiple Texas universities to organize internships with field training as well as served as a guest lecturer to offer insight into the petroleum industry.

Jason Jones, ConocoPhillips
Kenneth B. (Ken) Nolen attended Texas A&M College and graduated in 1957 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Upon graduation, he joined Shell Oil Company as a Production Engineer. His career was temporarily halted for three years while he served in the U.S. Air Force as a Weather Officer at Dow Air Force Base in Bangor, Maine. Returning to Shell, he gained further experience in artificial lift as production engineering section head.
In 1970, he left Shell and teamed up with Dr. S. G. Gibbs to become co-founder and Vice President of Nabla Corporation, a high-tech services and manufacturing firm in Midland, Texas. While there, he pursued his career-long passion of optimizing production from artificially lifted wells. Lufkin Automation acquired Nabla in August 1997. Nolen continued his career as Technical Coordinator for the new firm until his retirement in 2002.
Retirement was short lived and he started working as an artificial lift consultant specializing in technical support and training. Again, Nolen and Dr. Gibbs teamed up in 2014 and formed GreenShot LLC, a company specializing in automated oil well fluid level technology. WellWorx Energy acquired GreenShot in 2018 and Nolen is currently employed by WellWorx as R&D Advisor.
Nolen has been a key contributor to the art and science of artificial lift his entire career. He was a co-developer with Dr. Gibbs of wellsite diagnostic methods (dynamometers, fluid level sounders and pump-off controllers) for sucker rod pumping systems. These diagnostic methods are widely used within the industry to remotely access data through automated continuously monitoring systems.
Nolen has been active in SPE his entire career and is a registered professional engineer emeritus in Colorado and New Mexico. He has eight patents, has written textbooks on artificial lift subjects and has written or co-written numerous technical papers to serve the industry. In the past 50 years, Nolen has taught more than 200 schools on artificial lift (mainly rod pumping technology) throughout the world.
Root Cause Failure Analysis
Tuesday, August 29th | $400
Root cause failure analysis is the key to identifying appropriate solutions to problems with single well repairs as well as systemic problems within a lease, asset, or specific well population. Establishing a comprehensive RCFA process with the appropriate foundations is essential to ensuring producers are maximizing the knowledge gained from historical failures. This course presents they key items needed to create and maintain a proper RCFA program. It will cover the foundations of a proper program, the important information needed for a proper RCFA to be conducted, recognition of failure mechanisms for the different components in an SRP system, as well as some possible solutions for those failures.
Course Outline
- Overview
- Key points for proper RCFA
- Understanding SRP Components and How They Fail
- Example RCFA scenarios
- RCFA Data Analysis/Action Items
Course Instructors
Chris is a Sucker Rod Pump Optimization Lead for Occidental where he has been employed for 17 years. His experience has been with artificial lift design, surveillance, analysis, and optimization, with a focus on sucker rod pumping. He has 9 years of leading teams in these disciplines and most recently leading the sucker rod pump optimization team for Occidental onshore assets. Chris has taught in house trainings for Occidental for the last 10 years focusing on sucker rod pumping. He has also taught at sucker rod pump analysis and optimization at the SWPSC. He holds a bachelors degree from Texas Tech University.
Courtney has been with Oxy since 2016. Her early career experience with data management for well servicing operations triggered deep interest in understanding failure data. This guided her path to the QA/QC Artificial Lift team which is heavily involved in RCFA process standardization. A primary function of QA/QC is understanding lift equipment through its life cycle, from manufacturing to failure mode. This requires a heavy collaboration with manufacturers, engineers, lift design experts, and well servicing teams to increase run times by learning how to mitigate specific failure mechanisms. She is a proponent of standardizing the methods by which data is captured in order to reap the full benefit of analytics and make sound operational decisions based on data.
Kristen Barnes is a graduate of West Texas A&M with a degree in Engineering Technology. She began her career with ChampionX, 8 years ago in the Unconventional Resources Development Program. For 6 years she managed and maintained chemical programs in Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2 and Water Flood) fields and 2 years in unconventional fields. During this time, she played vital roles in the RCFA process for those assets by helping the producers understand and identify different corrosion types and the different methods of application of chemical. She currently leads a sales team in the Delaware basin for ChampionX.
Rodney Sands has 42 years of experience in oil well rod pumps and has been with Harbison-Fischer, Inc. for over 30 years. During that time, he has become a subject matter expert on rod pumps and specializes in the technical presentation of down-hole rod pumping conditions and failure analysis.
In the last 14 years, Rodney has had a major emphasis on technical training. He conducts field schools and leads Harbison-Fischer’s Sucker Rod Pump Training Course, a three-day pump seminar at the corporate manufacturing facility in Crowley, TX.
Rodney has authored or co-authored several papers for the Southwest Petroleum Short Course. He has also presented numerous times at the Artificial Lift Fall Forum, ALRDC Workshops and the Wolfberry Forum in Midland, TX, as well as other related industry events.
Anthony Allison is a Senior Artificial Lift Advisor for Occidental, where he provides in-house support for the analysis, optimization, and troubleshooting of sucker rod pumps for Occidental’s operations globally. He has sixteen years of experience with sucker rod pumping systems and currently serves as chairman of API Subcommittee 11, which oversees standards related to artificial lift equipment. Anthony is a recipient of the SPE Regional Production and Operations Award, has previously served as chair of the SPE Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition-Americas, and was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer for 2020–2021. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering Technology and master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering, both from Texas A&M University.
Scott’s primary responsibilities with TRC are Rod String Design(RODSTAR) for (Steel, FG and continuous rod) and make rod guide recommendations. He trains string designers to provide consistent designs from TRC. He provides written Failure Analysis for sucker rods for various operators. He participates in failure meetings several times a month to support our product, troubleshoot repeat failures and recommend solutions. Scott has also served on the API 11B committee for over ten years, and taught Failure Analysis and Corrosion Inhibition classes SWPSC, ALEOC and customer locations for about 20 years.
Incomplete Pump Fillage – Gas Interference, Fluid Pound, Blocked Intake
Tuesday, August 29th | $400
“LONG AND SLOW” OR “SHORT AND FAST” is NOT the way to go! The way to go is to apply recommended practices to operate your wells, do not operate your wells with incomplete pump fillage more than 2% of the time. When a failure occurs then identify the cause and strive to prevent a repeat occurrence of the failure in the future. The three causes of incomplete pump fillage can be accurately diagnosed by using representative dynamometer and fluid level surveys. The magnitude of the pump loads w/ respect to the zero load line, Fo from the Fluid Level, and the Fo Max Load can be used to identify the cause of incomplete pump fillage. The pressure inside the pump chamber is a function of plunger travel and compressibility of fluid in the pump. Sucker rod pumps intake well fluids through the standing, SV, and discharge fluids into the tubing through the traveling, TV.
Course Instructors
O. Lynn Rowlan education includes a Bachelor and Masters of Science degree in Civil Engineering graduating in 1976 from Oklahoma State University. Mr. Rowlan was registered as an Oklahoma Professional Engineer July 1980 and received: the 2000 J.C. Slonneger Award from the, SWPSC, SW Petroleum Short Course Association, Inc; the 2010 SPE Distinguished Production Operations Award; the 2011 SWPSC Crawford Service Award; and the SPE 2020 SPE Legend of Artificial Lift Award.
During the 43 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry Mr. Rowlan has authored more than eighty research works/papers for the SWPSC, ASME, the Solution Mining Research Institute, the Artificial Lift Research and Development Counsel, the Russian Oil & Gas Technologies Magazine, the Canadian Petroleum Society and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He co-authored a book for gas well production optimization “Gas Well Deliquification” holds a US Patent # 6,634,426 on Plunger Lift Analysis. Beginning in September 2019 Mr. Rowlan retired from the position of Vice-president of Engineering for Echometer Company and now works as a consultant. His primary interest is to advance the technology of all artificial lift production systems and to present seminars and talks on the efficient operation, analysis, optimization, and troubleshooting of oil and gas wells.
Gustavo Fernandez holds a degree in Petroleum Engineering from The University of Zulia in Venezuela. Mr. Fernandez holds the position of Vice-president of Engineering for Echometer and provides training and consultation in performing well analysis to increase oil and gas production and reduce operating cost. He has authored many research works/technical papers for numerous organizations. He has presented seminars and talks throughout the world on the efficient operation, optimization, and troubleshooting of oil and gas wells. With over 17 years of experience, Gustavo has worked in many countries in Latin America, Middle East and also the USA, primarily related to production optimization for wells with Artificial Lift Systems.
Exhibit Hall
August 30th & 31st | 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Included with session registration
ALRDC's Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop returns this summer promising outcome-oriented courses and sessions offered in a variety of engaging formats designed to inform, equip, and inspire operators and producers.
To enhance learning opportunities for workshop attendees, a variety of leading and innovative solutions, products and services will be on display in our nearby exhibit hall, where participants are encouraged to browse during designated breaks. Representatives from oil and gas operating companies, manufacturers, suppliers, and service companies will be available to engage with and answer questions.
Interested in showcasing your company, products, or services at the upcoming Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop?
Sponsorships & exhibitor packages focus on creating opportunities for meaningful connections between artificial lift vendors and prospective buyers, through a variety of digital and traditional means. ALRDC's subscribed audience includes thousands of energy industry workers ranging from students to executive leadership, researchers, and inventors. The 2023 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop venue can accommodate an audience of 250 production engineers, lease operators, foremen, superintendents, production managers, service providers, and students.
Diversity & Inclusion – Bridging the generation gap for a stronger industry
Thursday, August 31st | 12:00 PM
In our industry today, the workforce is comprised of no less than five generations, each of which thinks differently, learns differently, communicates differently and values different priorities. This is due to the environment each generation has developed and flourished in. In this panel discussion, our panelists will share their experience and views relating to work, life and interacting with other generations in both their personal and professional journeys. We hope this will bring insight and help our audience to relate with other generations, appreciate their input and value their contribution so we can all thrive and do our best for our industry.
Panel Members
Dr. Victoria Pons has served as ALRDC Vice President since 2020 and member of the ALRDC board since 2017.
Dr. Victoria Pons is also the Director of Research and Strategic Development at WellWorx Energy where she leads the research, planning and implementation of innovative new programs and products for WellWorx. As an industry SME, Dr. Pons has greatly contributed to the advancement of new algorithms for rod pump control and other forms of artificial lift.
Victoria is very passionate about Diversity and Inclusion and created a D&I Committee at ALRDC to help educate and enrich our industry.
Dr. Rajan Chokshi has over 35 years’ work-experience in artificial lift, real-time production optimization, software development, and management. His current work is on artificial lift optimization, multi-phase flow calculations, failure prediction, virtual flow meter, emission reduction, and competency management. Chokshi has worked for national oil companies, majors, independents, service providers and technology companies. He has co-authored over fifteen SPE papers, two patents, and has delivered several SPE webinars and training courses. Besides conducting professional workshops globally, he has taught at Texas Tech, Missouri S&T, U of Southern California and U of Houston. Twice selected as an SPE distinguished lecturer, he also volunteers on multiple SPE technical committees. Recently he was selected to serve on the ALRDC board of directors. Dr. Chokshi holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s in chemical engineering from the Gujarat University and IIT-Kanpur, India, and a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa, USA.
Lynn Rowlan education includes a Bachelor and Masters of Science degree in Civil Engineering graduating in 1976 from Oklahoma State University. Mr. Rowlan was registered as an Oklahoma Professional Engineer July 1980 and received: the 2000 J.C. Slonneger Award from the, SWPSC, SW Petroleum Short Course Association, Inc; the 2010 SPE Distinguished Production Operations Award; the 2011 SWPSC Crawford Service Award; and the SPE 2020 SPE Legend of Artificial Lift Award.
During the 43 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry Mr. Rowlan has authored more than eighty research works/papers for the SWPSC, ASME, the Solution Mining Research Institute, the Artificial Lift Research and Development Counsel, the Russian Oil & Gas Technologies Magazine, the Canadian Petroleum Society and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He co-authored a book for gas well production optimization “Gas Well Deliquification” holds a US Patent # 6,634,426 on Plunger Lift Analysis. Beginning in September 2019 Mr. Rowlan retired from the position of Vice-president of Engineering for Echometer Company and now works as a consultant. His primary interest is to advance the technology of all artificial lift production systems and to present seminars and talks on the efficient operation, analysis, optimization, and troubleshooting of oil and gas wells.
Shivani Vyas is a Business Development Manager at Odessa Separator Inc. (OSI). She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas Tech University. Shivani firmly believes in innovation and giving back to the community. She is also actively involved with the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and served as the Chair for the Permian Basin Section. Shivani Vyas is technically driven and has co-authored several papers including for SPE and Artificial Lift Forums. Shivani strives to make a positive impact through her vision, technical skills, and services.
Simon Suarez holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad del Zulia in Maracaibo, Venezuela. He was also a Fulbright Scholarship recipient from 2009-2011 and attained a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Houston. He brings over 15 years of expertise and knowledge from a variety of roles within the Energy industry environment. His vast international and multiple business and leadership experiences makes him a strong addition to any team.
Simon began his career in 2007 working as a Sales & Applications Engineer with Weatherford. Since then, he held multiple technical and leadership roles in Artificial Lift Systems (ALS) operations, sales, and product line management in Midland, Houston, Venezuela, Mexico and throughout Latin America. In 2019, he became Weatherford’s Global Business Director for Production and in 2021 he joined Silverwell as their Western Hemisphere Sales Director.
Emmanuel Alaeze was born and raised in South Korea where he attended an American international school from grades 1-12. His favorite subjects are history and literature, but Emmanuel also has a love for physics and an aptitude for math. Emmanuel is an engineering student at UTPB where he loves learning new things and staying curious about the world around him.
Workshop Resources
Please email [email protected] with any inquiries.
Click the + to expand each section and view more information below.
Continuing Education Classes
August 28 | 8:00am to 3:30pm
August 29 | 8:00am to 3:30pm
Technical Sessions
August 30 | 8:00am to 4:30pm
August 31 | 8:00am to 4:30pm
Download Presentations
August 30 | 12:15pm
D&I Panel
August 31 | 12:00pm
Exhibit Hall
August 30 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
August 31 | 7:30am to 3:00pm
Download Exhibitor List/Map
Registration/Information Table
August 28 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
August 29 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
August 30 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
August 31 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
Exhibit Hall
August 30 | 7:30am to 5:30pm
August 31 | 7:30am to 3:00pm
Download Exhibitor List/Map
Midland, TX – Area Information
Bush Convention Center
105 N Main St
Midland, Texas 79701
(432) 687-8250
Venue Website | Map
There are several accommodation options available for workshop participants:
DoubleTree By Hilton Hotel Midland Plaza
117 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas 79701
(432) 683-6131
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
Home2 Suites by Hilton Midland East
4104 N Big Spring St.
Midland, Texas 79705
(432) 682-6000
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Midland Odessa
5716 Deauville Boulevard
Midland, Texas 79706
(432) 682-6000
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
Townplace Suites Midland South/I-20
912 Crump Street
Midland, Texas 79701
(432) 682-6000
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
Holiday Inn Express and Suites-Midland Loop
5309 West Loop 250
North Midland, Texas
(432) 520-3600
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
Holiday Inn Express Midland South
900 Crump Street
Midland, Texas
(432) 695-9020
Hotel Website | Map | Reserve a Room
How to Register as a Sponsor
- Visit the Sponsorship page on the ALRDC website to review Sponsorship packages.
- Click the ‘Buy Now’ button below the Sponsorship package you wish to purchase.
- Follow the prompts to submit payment.
- Complete the Sponsor Questionnaire.
How to Redeem Complimentary Workshop Passes Included with Sponsorships
Complimentary workshop passes are included with the purchase select sponsorships, as indicated. If your purchase includes complimentary passes, you will receive a follow-up email within 3 business days of registration containing a unique promo code to be redeemed for workshop passes.
Daily meals are included with registration. Breakfast will be served from 7:00AM to 8:00AM, lunch from 12:00PM to 1:00PM, with morning and afternoon snacks available during breaks.
Sorry, we’re SOLD OUT of exhibit spaces for the 2023 Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop.
Each vendor may purchase up to two booths, which will be assigned side by side unless otherwise requested. Requests for specific booth locations will be considered, with priority given to registrants on a first come, first serve basis.
How to Register as an Exhibitor
- Visit the Exhibitor page on the ALRDC website.
- Click the ‘Buy Now’ button below the Exhibitor Benefits.
- Select up to two 10×10 booths, then follow the prompts to submit payment.
- Complete the Exhibitor Questionnaire.
Please review the floor plan and submit your preferred booth number via the Exhibitor Questionnaire. Booths will be assigned to fully registered exhibitors on a first-come, first-serve basis. Assignment will take place after exhibitor registration closes on Friday, July 28th. Exhibitors will receive confirmed booth numbers by email on Monday, August 14th.
Exhibitors will have access to the Exhibit Hall for setup on Tuesday, August 29th from 1PM until 7PM. The Exhibit Hall will be open to workshop participants on Wednesday, August 30th and Thursday, August 31st. Teardown may begin on Thursday, August 31st, following the afternoon break.
Pallet jacks and a fork lift are available for use on-site.
Prior to the first day of the workshop, please contact us by email at [email protected] with any inquiries.
Jehn Scantlebury will be at the registration table during workshop hours in case you have questions, need assistance, or would like to donate a door prize. Donors are encouraged to attach a business card to prizes. Door prize draws will take place during the final hour of the workshop on Thursday.