Frequently Asked Questions
Several questions are frequently asked about ALRDC – its purpose, policies, etc. The most frequent ones are posted here.
If you have a question that is not yet posted you can submit your question on our contact page. We will attempt to answer your question and post the question and answer here.
ALRDC (the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council) is an independent, private, not-for-profit organization that is focused on sharing artificial lift information and helping to facilitate artificial lift research and development projects by helping to organize the sharing of R&D costs and/or resources.
Any person or organization, anywhere in the world, that is involved or interested in any form of artificial lift is welcome to join ALRDC. This can include, but is not limited to, Oil and/or Gas Producing Companies, Artificial Lift Equipment Supply//Service Personnel or Companies, Universities and other Educational Institutions, Government Agencies, R&D Organizations and Labs, and Consultants.
There is no cost to join ALRDC. Membership in ALRDC, and use of the ALRDC web site and its services, are free.
A person or an organization can join ALRDC by completing the on-line membership registration form and submitting it. The membership registration form is found here.
We ask that people and/or organizations join ALRDC so we can know who is using the ALRDC services, and so we can communicate about artificial lift topics of interest.
ALRDC helps to coordinate artificial lift workshops, courses, seminars, and other meetings. There is a cost associated with attending these events. Most of this cost goes to defray the cost of the event, but ALRDC charges a percentage of the net income to cover the costs of its services. Also, ALRDC charges a small fee for those individuals or companies that wish to advertise in the ALRDC Yellow Pages.
The intention of ALRDC and its Board of Directors is to make it as completely independent and non-partisan as possible. ALRDC pledges to show no partiality to any person, organization, type of organization, type of artificial lift, area of the world, etc.
Texas Tech University offered to provide initial office space for ALRDC, and to provide some “start up” funding to help launch the ALRDC web site and other initial costs. Texas Tech also helps facilitate ALRDC Events. As such, they receive a percentage of the net proceeds of each ALRDC Event. Ronda Brewer, who is ALRDC’s Treasurer, also works for Texas Tech.
The ALRDC Board of Directors is a group of artificial lift personnel from industry who are interested in advancing the Mission, Vision, and Goals of ALRDC. They serve on a voluntary basis. There is no remuneration for their services.
ALRDC does not perform artificial lift R&D by itself. The R&D is performed by any member organization, or group of organizations, that wishes to offer this service. ALRDC helps to facilitate this process by helping to identify R&D needs, find organizations that may be willing to share costs, finding organizations that may be willing to share resources, etc.
ALRDC recognizes two forms of artificial lift R&D. Private and public. Private R&D may be conducted by one organization for its own use, or by one or more organizations on behalf of another organization, or set of organizations. The results of any such R&D belong to the participating organizations only. Public R&D results may be widely shared by the members of ALRDC. Funding may be shared by one to several organizations, and one or more organizations may contribute to the development.